Gross Anatomy on Paranasal Sinuses

Plain X-ray of paranasal sinuses (Waters View)

1. Frontal sinus
2. Orbit
3. Maxillary sinus
4. Nasal septum
5. Nasal cavity
6. Hard palate

White arrows (Frontal Sinuses) and black arrows (Maxilla Sinuses)

Waters' view of the sinuses.
(showing partial opacification of the right maxillary sinus, with an air-fluid level.)

Coronal CT scan showing right maxillary sinus opacification. Also, note the septal deviation to the right and the hypertrophy of the left inferior turbinate.

Coronal MRI scan showing opacification of the left maxillary and ethmoid sinuses.

Axial MRI scan showing opacification of the left maxillary sinus.